FONDS professionell Deutschland, Ausgabe 1/2018

Important Information: Investments may go down as well as up and are not guaranteed. You may get back significantly less than the amount invested. For more information, see the Fund Prospectus and Key Investor Information Document which are available online. We recommend you seek investment advice before investing. Issued by First State Investments (UK) Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. First State Investments (UK) Limited and First State Investments International Limited are part of Colonial First State Asset Management (“CFSGAM”) which is the consolidated asset management division of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124. CFSGAM includes a number of entities in different jurisdictions, operating in Australia as CFSGAM and as First State Investments elsewhere. The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (“Bank”) and its subsidiaries do not guarantee the performance of any investment or entity referred to in this document or the repayment of capital. Any investments referred to are not deposits or other liabilities of the Bank or its subsidiaries, and are subject to investment risk including loss of income and capital invested. Spezialisierte Aktienanlagen | Anleihen | Infrastruktur | Multi-Asset 1 Gadgets Then and Now - (2010) Das erste kommerzielle Mobiltelefon der Welt, das DynaTAC 8000X von Motorola, kam 1983 auf den Markt. Es bot eine Gesprächsdauer von 30 Minuten, die Akkuladezeit betrug 10 Stunden, das Gerät wog 794 Gramm und es war 33 cm hoch. 1 Unglaublich! Was, wenn sich die Technologie von da an nicht mehr auf intelligente Weise weiterentwickelt hätte? First State Investments wendet seine Kernstärken eines aktiven und verantwortungsbewussten Anlagemanagements auf einen neuen Fonds an. Unser Diversified Growth Fund stellt eine intelligente Weiterentwicklung der festverzinslichen Anlagen dar. First State Diversified Growth. Eine smarte Evolution. WEITERE INFORMATIONEN FINDEN SIE UNTER